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The Yamaha Club celebrates 11 years of riding in the Philipines

Otherwise known as the YClub, the organization celebrates another successful year of rides and camaraderie.

Yamaha Club 11th Anniversary

Motorcycle enthusiasts around the country know that there are a lot of experiences and friends to be made on two wheels. As you track the kilometers on your motorcycle, you might encounter or even join a club because you share the same interests, the same motorcycle, or the same destination. Every rider likes to feel welcome, and Yamaha wants to celebrate one such brotherhood that’s been going on since 2010, the Yamaha Club, otherwise known as YClub. 

Yamaha Club of the Philippines 11th Year Anniversary
Yamaha Club of the Philippines 11th Year Anniversary

The organization aims to connect every Yamaha motorcycle enthusiast from Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao whether on a scooter or a big bike. All of the club’s members share the same fondness for Yamaha motorcycles and riding them to their heart’s content. 

This year, the YClub celebrates its 11th-year anniversary which culminated in the founding of its exclusive Facebook group for all its members. Through this avenue, challenges and games were created for all members to enjoy in a month-long celebration. Despite the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought, the celebration was conducted over the digital platform to facilitate the necessary social distancing requirements. The event was hosted by Patricia Reyes, and DJ Ricompanero, and the live program was broadcast on the YClub’s Facebook group where virtual games and interactions took place. 

The biggest highlight of the program was when YClub members showcased their passion for riding Yamaha motorclcyes. Despite restrictions due to the pandemic, the members were still able to ride their own ride, and complete an eleven-destination checklist across the Philippines. These destinations represent the stories of every Filipino rider who enjoys exploring and building a connection with others. 

The YClub has come a long way since its inception in the 2010s, and it will continue to go strong and further nurture the friendships borne from riding a motorcycle and beyond. Yamaha Philippines will look forward to the numerous stories to tell, and the places to discover together with its riders in the coming year. 

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